
How I Found My Coach

Posted by on Mar 11, 2009 | 0 comments

  If you’re looking at this website you may be wondering how to choose a coach. There are so many out there – how do you make an educated choice, especially if you have never shopped for a coach before? Well, here are a few basics. First, you can start with a referral from a friend or colleague, look at the International Coach Federation website, or just do a Google search to generate some names of coaches. Check out their websites and see if their message resonates. Beware jargon and quick-fixes! But whatever you do, make sure you have a sample session. In my experience, it comes...

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So, You Call Yourself a Coach, Do You?

Posted by on Jan 28, 2009 | 0 comments

  What makes a person a coach? I began asking this question during early training and continue to ask it as I create this website. For me, today, the answer is that coaching brings together many skills I was already using (listening, inquiry, probing, staying focused) with family, friends, and colleagues, and provides an approach and some great tools to create the unique relationship that is coaching. Wearing this hat, I am not friend, mother, sister, wife, or counselor. I am that unique person in your life who is always compassionately keeping her eye on your agenda, your dreams and...

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